Inagene Diagnostics Inc.

Get on the right medication faster.

Our DNA tests identify which medications to avoid and which will most likely work best for you.

View Medications Covered

Get on the right medication faster.

Our DNA tests identify which medications to avoid and which will most likely work best for you.

View Medications Covered
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How can Inagene help you?

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Avoid Trial & Error

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Prevent side effects

See which medications to avoid.jpg__PID:f67d7346-3700-4ae5-bbfd-0b2dae0ddb68

See which medications to avoid

Find out why your medication isn't working.jpg__PID:975021f6-7d73-4637-809a-e57bfd0b2dae

Find out why your medication isn't working

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Make informed treatment decisions

Which Personalized Insights™ test is right for you?

PrecisionRx ULTRA


Get insights into how your DNA influences all the medications we cover (our most comprehensive kit).

Over 150 medications covered

$598 $399 

Pain & Mental Health


Get insights into how your DNA influences your reaction to pain and mental health medications.

Over 85 medications covered




Get insights into how your DNA influences your reaction to some of the most commonly prescribed medications.

Over 120 medications covered


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Get a report that shows how you will respond to different medications based on your DNA.

View Sample Report
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With Inagene, it's just a few easy steps.

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You're protected every step of the way.

We believe that personalized medicine should never mean an invasion of privacy. Learn how we prioritize your privacy through our stringent policies here.

The importance of pharmacogenetic testing:



29% of people currently or previously taking statins to lower their cholesterol have reported muscle-related side effects. 1



An estimated 2 in 5 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. 2



Almost half of all epileptics who are treated with one or more anti-epileptic medications continue to have seizures. 3

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Women's Health

The female gender is associated with more than a 50% increased likelihood of experiencing side effects. 4



Mouth pain is commonly seen in oral health conditions 5 and often requires medication.

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Gastro Health

Only about 1/3 of people with acid reflux are successfully treated with standard treatment.6

What Our Customers Are Saying:

"A few members of my family (including myself) bought this kit and found it to be incredibly thorough, while still easy to understand. We've already recommended this to several of our friends!"

- Kate

"This kit is incredibly easy and seamless to use, the information it provides is invaluable. This technology helped me ... have the knowledge as to which medications would work best for my own genetic make up. Life changing!"

- Lillian

"This kit is life-changing, I have received a lifetime of valuable insights. I now am equipped with powerful knowledge to know which medications are likely to work best for me based on my DNA. I highly recommend it to anyone."

- Ashley

"Great value for money spent, got my report results quickly (within 2 weeks) and learned some very interesting information about medications I shouldn't be taking."

- Karen

"Inagene really help me with my mental health choice of medication. It save time to figure which one was right. THANK YOU!"

- Johanne

"A few nuggets of really important info. The reporting is great and very easy to understand. Glad I did it."

- Lee

Read about Inagene in the News

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